Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Corporations and social networks

I disapprove of commercial interests, especially corporations, covertly using MySpace and other social networks to generate growth in their business ventures, regardless of their "green" status. This is because I believe that economic activity is the principal enemy of environmental sustainability. (I=E)

It is no wonder why commercial interests will work tirelessly to put down the anti-consumerism message. Nor is it any wonder why so many are jumping on the bandwagon. There is a lot of money to be made in the "green" industry these days; in the same way there was a lot of money to be made by selling American flags and "United We Stand" bumper-stickers immediately following the 9/11 attack.

Of course, I am not suggesting that all "green" enterprises are staffed by those who are merely out to make a buck. Many are well-meaning individuals who are guided by a sense of good-will toward the environment; in the same way many of those who grew their businesses by selling flags and bumper-stickers were guided by a sense of patriotism. The problem is that by selling the illusion of help for the environment these well-meaning individuals are doing more harm than good.

My concern is for the average consumer who, caught up in all the hype about "going green," begins to feel as if he or she is doing his or her part to save the environment by following the trend of the times.

I should add, of course, that I don't mind the paid advertising so much, because we all know it for what it truly is.

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